Inglês, perguntado por vivi8615, 4 meses atrás

1 - Conjugue as frases no SIMPLE PRESENT corretamente:
a) He
in São Paulo. (LIVE)
b) We
up early on Saturdays. (GET)
c) We
in good luck and bad luck. (BE-LEVE)
a blue dress every Sunday. (WEAT)
e) He
scccer every Saturday with frie:18. (PLAY)
f) Не
his father at work. (HELP)
g) She
the dishes after work. (WASH)
h) She
English at schooi. (STUDY)
. She
downtown with her friends. (GO)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por 8luiza8dutra8

Resposta: a) He lives in São Paulo.

b) We get up early on Saturdays.

c) We believe in good luck and bad luck.

d) She wear a blue dress every Sunday.

e) He play soccer every Saturday with his friends.

f) He help his father at work.

g) She wash the dishes after work.

h) She study english at school.

i) She go dowtown with her friends.

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