Inglês, perguntado por Nyssa, 1 ano atrás

Significado das abreviações: asap, BF, by, Btw, cos, cya, fyi, GF, gtg, jk, l8r, LOL, oxox, rolf, sup, thx, w/, zzzz.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por LiviaBR
ASAP: As Soon As Possible
BF: boyfriend / best friend
BY: boy
BTW: By The Way
COS: Abreviação de because
CYA: See ya
FYI: For your information
GF: girlfriend
GTG: got to go / good to go
JK: Just kidding
l8r: later
LOL: laugh out loud
oxox: hugs and kisses
rolf: Rooling on the floor laughing
sup: What's up?
thx: Thanks
w/: With
zzz: sleeping / bored

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