Inglês, perguntado por taiannedelfino, 11 meses atrás

Short-Circuiting Malaria 1. A company called Intellectual Ventures is trying to develop a computer model that could help eradicate malaria, a disease that afflicts 300 million to 500 million people a year and kills 1 million of them, mostly children in Africa. One of the two 4. leading scientists of the project, Philip Eckhoff, grew up in Haiti, the son of two doctors, and had malaria 15 times as a kid. At university he excelled in math and engineering, but, he says, "I always wanted to work on Third World disease eradication." Karima Nigmatulina grew up in Siberia, and knew by the age of 6 that 8. she would do something with mathematics. "But I also wanted to work on projects that make a difference”, she says. Having suffered from tuberculosis as a child, she was drawn in graduate school toward epidemiology, developing software for modeling the spread of influenza. Intellectual Ventures is one of those companies that aren't well known today 12. but might be tomorrow, a place where people are working on the frontiers of technology; their tech pioneers, like Eckhoff and Nigmatulina, do not seem to have the fear of failing. And, paradoxically, that fearlessness is what enables them to succeed. Run by Nathan Myhrvold, the former chief technology officer at Microsoft, 16. Intellectual Ventures built a supercomputer with 1,000 times the power of a desktop computer and recruited Eckhoff and Nigmatulina to write the software. Together they have created a software model that can incorporate thousands of variables to run "what if" scenarios and simulate outbreaks of malaria on a computer. The idea is to 20. help doctors choose which approaches to take in a given area, so they can use resources more wisely. The model even lets researchers see the effect of potential vaccines that don't yet exist, so they can choose which one to develop. Better yet, the software can be applied not only to malaria but also to polio, HIV, and tuberculosis. 24. "Our model," Myhrvold says, "will completely change the world of epidemiology." Assinale o verbo que, no texto, encontra-se no tempo passado A) choose (linha 22) B) suffered (linha 9) C) drawn (linha 9) D) built (linha 16) E) created (linha 18)

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