Inglês, perguntado por BecaMarin, 8 meses atrás

Sewing Machine

A machine that is used for stitching cloth or other material together. The first sewing machine was invented in 1830 by Barthélemy Thimonnier , a tailor, in France. In the United States, Walter Hunt also invented a sewing machine in 1834, but did not patent it. Later, in 1846, the device was improved by another American, Elias Howe, whose business was not successful at first. Isaac M. Singer made small modifications in the machine and patented his improvements in 1851. His business became a success: his company sold 2,564 machines in 1856, and 13,000 in 1860.

1) Qual é o assunto tratado no texto? *

4 pontos

Sobre a invenção da primeira máquina de costura com data da primeira máquina e seus inventores.

Sobre a invenção da máquina moderna de costura e seu inventor.

Sobre invenção a forma de construção da máquina de costura pelos seus inventores.

Sobre a invenção e o registro de marca e patente da máquina de costura por seus inventores.

2)A primeira máquina de costura foi inventada por: *

5 pontos

Issak M. Singer

Elias Howe

Barthélemy Thimonnier

Walter Hunt

3) Qual é esse tipo de texto? *

4 pontos

Um anúncio publicitário.

Um texto informativo-descritivo.

Um verbete de enciclopédia.

Um manual de instruções.

4)Qual a frase que descreve a função da máquina de costura? *

4 pontos

It's compact and durable.

It's used for sewing clothes.

It's used to model leather.

It's an invention

5)Leia as frases a seguir. (I) The electric iron was invented by Henry W. Seeley. (II) It is important to patent your invention. (III) His business became a success. *

5 pontos

Todas as frases referem-se a eventos no passado.

Todas as frases referem-se a eventos no presente.

Apenas a frase (II) refere-se a eventos no passado.

Apenas as frases (I) e (III) referem-se a eventos no passado.

6)Whose business became a success in 1860? *

4 pontos

Isaac Singer

Elias Howe

Barthélemy Thimonnier

Walter Hunt

7)Que informação está correta? *

4 pontos

Isaac was successful with the invention of the sewing machine.

Elias Howe was successtul with the invention of the sewing machine.

Barthélemy Thimonnier was successful with the invention of the sewing machine.

Walter Hunt was successful with the invention of the sewing machine.

5)Thimonnier was: *

5 pontos





9)No texto, a frase "A machine that is used for ... " está no: *

5 pontos

presente contínuo

presente simples

passado simples

passado contínuo

10)A forma verbal correta pata "Listen! I ____ to you." é: *

5 pontos


am talking

is talking


11)Where does Ann ____ every morning? *

5 pontos



is going


12)A forma interrogativa de "Betty and Nancy are listening to music," é: *

5 pontos

Betty and Nancy to music are listening?

Does Betty and Lucy listening to music.

Are Betty and Nancy listening to music?

Is Betty and Nancy listening to music?

13)Mary _____ her hair every day. *

5 pontos


are washing

doesn't wash

isn't washes

14)A formas verbais corretas de "While my father ____ TV, my mother ____ a book." são: *

3 pontos

watched - readed

was watching - reads

was watching - was reading

is watching - was read

15)A forma interrogativa de "Paul went to on foot yesterday." é: *

4 pontos

Did Paul went to school on foot yesterday?

Went Paul to school on foot yesterday?

Did Paul go to school on foot yesterday?

Was Paul go to school on foot yesterday?

16)Que sentenças descrevem uma ação em progresso no passado? *

3 pontos

Peter and Mary was born in San Francisco in 1954.

Peter and Mary were working last night.

Peter and Mary worked last night.

Peter and Mary didn't work last night.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vicgomes137











bom eu só sei até á 9



Máquina de costura

Uma máquina usada para costurar tecidos ou outros materiais juntos. A primeira máquina de costura foi inventada em 1830 por Barthélemy Thimonnier, um alfaiate, na França. Nos Estados Unidos, Walter Hunt também inventou uma máquina de costura em 1834, mas não a patenteou. Mais tarde, em 1846, o dispositivo foi aprimorado por outro americano, Elias Howe, cujo negócio não teve sucesso no início. Isaac M. Singer fez pequenas modificações na máquina e patenteou suas melhorias em 1851. Seu negócio se tornou um sucesso: sua empresa vendeu 2.564 máquinas em 1856 e 13.000 em 1860.

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