Inglês, perguntado por alexlopes007, 10 meses atrás

Seventy and
Still Counting
Inable to attend an out-of-town surprise
party for our father's 70th birthday, my
brothers and I wanted to be present in spirit.
Instead of trying to agree on a gift for the man
who has everything," we decided to pay tribute
to the parent who has always been there for
us. We wrote Dad a letter that included a list of
70 things we had learned from him. The list
included serious items such as honesty and
generosity, as well as more lighthearted entries
such as how to tell a joke and how to host a
party. We had the letter printed on paper
resembling an elaborate scroll, and Mom
presented it to him at the party after reading it
aloud. Dad was deeply moved by the gift, and
his friends all enjoyed sharing this special
moment with him. Dad has since told us that
he reads his letter several times a week and is
planning to have it framed.

em relação ao texto responda? AJUDAAAAAAAA!​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sugamon

1) c

Os filhos aprenderam: honestidade (honesty), generosidade (generosity), como contar piadas (how to tell a joke) e como receber convidados (how to host a party), sendo assim a resposta certa é C, como comportar-se à mesa.

2) Você teria que mandar uma foto do texto, não tem como saber qual a palavra grifada só pelo texto escrito aqui.  

3) d

Uma carta (a letter).

4) b  

Emoldurá-lo (to have it framed).

5) a

Party, além de festa, também pode significar partido. Exemplo: Partido Republicano (Republican party) ou Partido Democrata (Democratic Party).

6) e

"Us" (nós) se refere aos filhos do aniversariante, como a autora diz, "to the parent who has always been there for us" parent sendo o pai e us os filhos.

alexlopes007: a palavra da 2 é the parent
sugamon: Nesse caso, a resposta certa é: a) Ao pai de Christine
alexlopes007: obg!
alexlopes007: me ajudou é muito!
sugamon: De nada, fico feliz em ajudar!
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