Inglês, perguntado por vitorfelipej4, 7 meses atrás

Separate o Coditional

1.- IfeelnervouswhenIgetuplate.

2.- Igottoschoolonfootiftheweatherisgood.

3.- Peoplegetfatiftheyeattoomanysweets.

4.- IfeelgreatwhenIhelpmyparents.

5.- IliketovisitthemuseumswhenIaminabigcities.

6.- IfeelgoodwhenIstudyhardfortheexam.

7.- Ifitdoesn’train,theflowersdie.

8.- Igetscaredwhenmydadisangry. ______________________________________________________ 9.- IfeelreallygoodifIgetgoodmarksatschool. ______________________________________________________ 10.- IfIdon’tdomyhomework,Ifeelbad.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vitoriavivirb

1.- I feel nervous when I get up late.

2. I go to school on foot if the weather is good.

3.- People get fat if they eat too many sweets.

4.- I feel great when I help my parents.

5.- I like to visit the museums when I am in a big cities.

6.- I feel good when I study hard for the exam.

7.- If it doesn’t rain, the flowers die.

8.- I get scared when my dad is angry.

9.- I feel really good if I get good marks at school.

10.- If I don’t do my homework, I feel bad.

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