Inglês, perguntado por felipefishingbrasil, 8 meses atrás


Reescreva as frases abaixo na forma negativa: a) Were they in the beach ?
b) Was Meg a singer ?
c) Was she in the drugstore ?
d) Was Gabriel in the park ?
e) Was he in the bedroom ?

felipefishingbrasil: ajuda por favor

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

a) Were they in the beach ?

→ They were not in the beach

b) Was Meg a singer ?

→ Meg was not a singer

c) Was she in the drugstore ?

→ She was not in the drugstore

d) Was Gabriel in the park ?

→ Gabriel was not in the park

e) Was he in the bedroom ?

→ He was not in the bedroom

alcione5513: icriveu
gedivaldoa5: oi
saraconceicaodossan: me ajuda na ultima atividade por favor
Respondido por Juliaabcde

Oii, Was e were são as flexões do verbo to be no passado, e para fazermos isso, devemos passa-los para a forma negativa:

Was: wasn't

Were: weren't


a) Weren't they in the beach.

b) Wasn't Meg a singer.

c) Wasn't she in the drugstore.

d) Wasn't Gabriel in the park.

e) Wasn't he in the bedroom.

(A flexão was é usada com os pronomes I, he/she e it)

(E a flexão were é usada com os pronomes you, we e they)

Então é isso, espero ter ajudado.

se puder marcar como melhor resposta, obg

Juliaabcde: mano agora eu vi q é pra ficar no meio
Juliaabcde: a) they weren't in the beach.

b) Meg wasn't a singer.

c) She qasn't in the drugstore.

d) Gabriel wasn't in the park.

e) He wans't in the bedroom.
Juliaabcde: os pronomes sempre na frente na vdd
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