Inglês, perguntado por julia99789, 1 ano atrás

photo of yourself that you take typically with a smartphone
On image a video a piece of text. etc. that is passed very quickly from one internet user to another,
often with slight changes that make it humorous
type of computer file that contains images and is used especially to make them appear to move (the
aboreviation for Graphic Interchange Format)
1. a word or phrase with the symbol '#'in front of it, used on social media websites and apps so that
you can search for all messages with the same subject
2. (British English also hash, hash sign)
(North American English also pound sign)
the symbol(#), especially one on a phone or computer keyboard
a message sent using the Twitter social media service
a website where an individual person, or people representing an organization, write regularly about
recent events or topics that interest them, usually with photos and links to other websites that they
find interesting
Liste outras palavras que fazem parte do mundo digital e que são usadas hoje em diversos
momentos e locais:​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por amandacarter97


stream, like, post



Usual name to call services that allows us to watch certain tv shows/movies.

Nome que usamos para serviços que nos permitem assistir certos filmes e séries.


An internet device that allows us to react to pictures or posts in the internet.

Uma ferramenta que nos permite reagir a imagens e posts na internet.


Things that you want to show internet, like pictures, tweets, texts, etc.

Coisas que você quer mostrar na internet, como fotos, tweets, textos, etc.

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