Inglês, perguntado por yasmimpires19, 2 meses atrás

Select the CORRECT sentence using the right POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE *
This is Jordan's book. > This is his book.
Mark is John's cousin. > Mark is her cousin.
This is the teachers' room. > This is its room.
That is Mary's purple box. > That is his purple box

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Possessive adjective

a.  This is Jordan's book. > This is his book.  ✅  

b.  Mark is John's cousin. > Mark is her cousin. ❌  

    Mark is John's cousin. > Mark is his cousin. ✅  

c.  This is the teachers' room. > This is its room.

    This is the teacher's room. > This is their room. ✅    

d.  That is Mary's purple box. > That is his purple box. ❌  

    That is Mary's purple box. > That is her purple box. ✅  

Alternativa correta letra ''a''


➡️   Possessive adjectives >>> usado para expressar posse - sempre acompanhado de um substantivo

I       >>> possessivo ''my'' >> my car

You  >>> possessivo ''your'' >> your mother

He    >>> possessivo ''his'' >> his father

She  >>> possessivo ''her'' >> her sister

It       >>> possessivo ''its'' >> its toy

We    >>> possessivo ''our'' >> our friends

You   >>> possessivo “your” >>  your cats

They >>> possessivo ''their'' >> their bikes

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