Inglês, perguntado por juliasilvaponto, 10 meses atrás

Selecione todas as alternativas que expressam arrependimento ou crítica.

I should have done my homework.

I would rather go to the movies.

She shouldn't have called him.

He prefers baseball to volleyball.

They should have stopped her before she got hurt.

You shouldn't have
cheated on your test.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Carolinatrocado


Marca as alternativas:

I should have done my homework

She shouldn't have called him

They should have stopped her before she hurt

You shouldn't have cheated on your test


Espero ter ajudado

juliasilvaponto: Pode me ajudar nesta questão?
juliasilvaponto: I would rather go to the beach than to the park.
He would rather study English than Math.
She wouldn't rather stay with us than go with them.
They would rather to travel to Tunis to travel to Paris.
Carolinatrocado: Nn sei te responder essa questão pq.. vc nn colocou o enunciado.. entendeu
juliasilvaponto: Escolha a opção que contém erros.
Carolinatrocado: como assim erros???
Carolinatrocado: tipo..
Carolinatrocado: erros do que??
juliasilvaponto: Qual das frases acima tem erros
juliasilvaponto: A-I would rather go to the beach than to the park.

B-He would rather study English than Math.

C-She wouldn't rather stay with us than go with them.

D-They would rather to travel to Tunis to travel to Paris.
juliasilvaponto: Qual das alternativas está errada
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