Second Conditional:
Complete the sentences:
If you didn’t eat so much, _______________________________________________________________________.
If she truly loved him, __________________________________________________________________________.
If I left home, _________________________________________________________________________________.
If he walked his dog, ___________________________________________________________________________.
If we talked to each other, ______________________________________________________________________.
If they had more money, ___________________________________________________________________.
Soluções para a tarefa
1) Para responder o problema proposto, devemos lembrar que a second conditional segue a seguinte estrutura:
- if + past simple, ...would + infinitive
2) Assim, respondendo o problema proposto, teremos:
If you didn't eat so much, you wouldn't have been sick. Se você não comesse tanto, não estaria doente.
If she really loved him, she would have forgiven him. Se ela realmente o amava, ela teria perdoado.
If I left home, I would have made a big mistake. Se eu saísse de casa, teria cometido um grande erro.
If he walked his dog, he wouldn't have put on so much weight. Se ele passeava com seu cachorro, ele não teria engordado tanto.
If we talked to each other, we wouldn't fight so much. Se conversássemos um com o outro, não brigariamos tanto.
If they had more money, they would buy a new car. Se tivessem mais dinheiro, comprariam um carro novo.