Inglês, perguntado por tomasjcmagalhaes, 6 meses atrás

Se fizer dou muito pontos

Reading comprehension - 25%
A. Read the following text about Rafael.
D. Find
A. Com
Hello! My name is Rafael and I'm Spanish
Now I'm living in London. My favourite sport
is ice hockey. I was four years old when I
started to have ice skating lessons. When I
was ten I began to play ice hockey at a local
club. I loved my yellow and black kit! I felt so
proud when I wore it. I had a hockey stick and
skates, too. Ice hockey can be a dangerous
game, so of course I had to wear a helmet.
It's also very competitive and energetic
I practised ice hockey every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday evening. Every
Saturday we had a game against another
team. It was so exciting! My team was very
good and we often won. Last year I stopped
playing and now I'm an ice hockey coach.
B. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?
1. Rafael lives in Spain.
2. He started to play ice hockey when he was four years old.
3. Rafael's kit was black and yellow.
4. It's dangerous to play ice hockey.
5. Rafael practised every day.
C. Answer these questions about the text.
1. What is Rafael's favourite sport?
2. Where did Rafael play ice hockey?
3. What did he wear to play ice hockey?
4. When did Rafael have games?
5. Is Rafael an ice hockey player now?​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por userwhoisnotcreative



1. F

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F


1. His favourite sport is ice hockey.

2. He played ice hockey at a local club

3. He wore a helmet.

4. He had games every Saturday.

5. No, he isn't. Now Rafael is a hockey coach.



1. "Rafael mora na Espanha"

Ele mora em Londres

"Now I'm living in London" - "Agora estou morando na Espanha"

2. "Ele começou a praticar hockey quando ele tinha 4 anos"

Ele começou com 10

"When I was ten I began playing at a hockey club" - "Quando eu tinha 10 anos eu comecei a jogar num clube de hockey"

5. "Rafael praticava todo dia"

Ele praticava toda Segunda, Quarta e Sexta no fim de tarde

"I practiced every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening" - "Eu praticava toda Segunda, Quarta e Sexta ao fim de tarde"


1. Qual o esporte favorito do Rafael?

R: Seu esporte favorito é hockey

"My favorite sport is hockey" - "Meu esporte favorito é hockey"

2. Onde Rafael jogava hockey?

R: Ele jogava hockey num clube local

"I began to play hockey at a local club" - "Eu comecei a jogar hockey num clube local"

3. O que Rafael vestia pra jogar hockey?

R: um capacete

"I had to wear a helmet" - "Eu tinha que usar um capacete"

4. Quando Rafael jogava?

R: ele jogava todo Sábado.

"Every Saturday we had games" - "Todo Sábado nós tinhamos jogos"

5. Rafael é um jogador de hockey agora?

R: Não, ele é um coach.

"I stopped playing and now I'm an ice hockey coach" - "Eu parei de jogar e agora sou um coach de hockey no gelo"

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