Inglês, perguntado por Joker242, 8 meses atrás

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Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por kekecris2005

1- P: He played football every Sunday.

N: He didn't play football every Sunday.

I: Did he play football every Sunday?

2- P: She danced with my friend.

N: She didn't dance with my friend.

I: Did she dance with my friend?

3- P: My brother studied English every day.

N: My brother didn't study English every day.

I: Did my brother study English every day?

4- P: I loved to read comic books.

N: I didn't love to read comic books.

I: Did I love to read comic books?

5- P: We watched movies on television.

N: We didn't watch movies on television.

I: Do we watch movies on television?

Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos! ;)

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