Inglês, perguntado por miguel31237, 8 meses atrás

Robert Hughes lives in Atlanta, Georgia. He lives with his wife, Patricia. They live with their two children, Sam and Lana. Robert loves his family. They don’t have any pets. […] Robert protects the citizens of Atlanta. He helped many people through these 25 years. He solves crimes and catches criminals. He keeps the citizens safe. Sometimes he visits the schools and talks to students. The students like Robert. Officer Robert Hughes is a hero in Atlanta. WHO is he? Where does he live? What does he do? Really Learn English. Available at: Accessed on: 04 Aug. 2017. Read the text and choose T (true) or F (false). A Robert is a police officer. True False B Lana is a police officer. True False C Robert is a good police officer. True False D Robert visits schools. True False E Sam and Lana work with Robert. True False

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por cleandromendeslm


1 pergunta: Robwert Hughes.

2. pergunta: He lives in Atlanta.

3. pergunta: he is a pollivr officer.

A-True/B- False/C- True/ D- True/E - False


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