REWRITE THE SENTENCES IN THE PAST CONTINUOUS, THEN, WRITE THEM IN THE INTERROGATIVE AND NEGATIVE FORMS. He slept in his bedroom. Your sister cleaned the garage. Your mother and I washed the car. I didn’t talk to the teacher in the classroom. The kids watched a funny movie yesterday afternoon.
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He slept in his room !. Your sister cleaned the garage. Your mom and I washed the car! I didn't speak to the teacher in the classroom. The kids watched a funny movie yesterday afternoon !.
Ele dormiu em seu quarto!. Sua irmã limpou a garagem. Sua mãe e eu lavamos o carro! Eu não falei com o professor na sala de aula. As crianças assistiram a um filme engraçado ontem à tarde!.
Acho que é assim! espero ter ajudado
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