Revisão dos verbos comparative of equality e inferiority. ( Comparativo de iigualdade e inferioridade) Data: 05/06/2020
Nova Fase
1)Now, use the Comparative of Equality.
a) My car is ___________________________ your car. ( Expensive)
b)My school is ___________________ yours. ( clean)
c) George is ___________________ Paul. ( strong)
d) I am ____________________ Paul . (ric)
2)Use the comparative of inferiority.
a) Lucy is ______________________________ her sister. ( thin)
b) This man is ________________________ that one. ( strong)
c)Angelina is ________________________ Sharon Stone. ( beautiful)
3) Complete as frases com o verbo To Be no Past Tense . ( Was/Were)
a) My parents __________________ rich and famous.
b) Karolyne ___________________ in the library now.
4) Complete com verbos no Simple present tense.
a) My parents _____________ in New York. ( to live)
b) The bird ____________ in the cage. ( to fly)
5)Complete com os verbos no Simple Future.
a) I _____________ you a drink. ( To get)
b) We__________ you. ( To Help)
6) Complete com os verbos no future imediato.
a) Kim _________________ all weekend. ( to relax)
b)Chris and Nick __________________________ a cake. ( to eat)
7) Complete as frases usando os verbos no passado . ( verbo irregular)
a) I ______________ Mary yesterday. ( to see)
b)I ____________ a glass of milk . ( to drink)
8) Complete as frases com verbos no passado. ( verbo regular / terminação ED)
a) John _____________________ in na Office. ( To work)
b)We ______________ play football in the afternoon. ( to play)
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Comparatives
⇒⇒ Future with ''will''
⇒⇒ Future with ''going to''
1) Now use the Comparative of Equality.
a) My car is as expensive as your car. ( Expensive)
b) My school is as clean as yours. ( clean)
c) George is as strong as Paul. ( strong)
d) I am as rich as Paul . (rich)
2) Use the comparative of inferiority.
a) Lucy is less thin than her sister. ( thin)
b) This man is less strong than that one. ( strong)
c) Angelina is less beautiful than Sharon Stone. ( beautiful)
3) Complete as frases com o verbo ''To Be'' no Past Tense. (Was/Were)
a) My parents were rich and famous.
b) Karolyne was in the library. (now)
obs.: No passado, não podemos usar ''now'' porque significa ''agora''.
Para usar ''now'' o verbo precisa estar no presente : Karolyne is in the library now.
4) Complete com verbos no Simple present tense.
a) My parents live in New York. ( to live)
b) The bird flies in the cage. ( to fly)
5) Complete com os verbos no Simple Future.
a) I will get you a drink. ( To get)
b) We will help you. ( To Help)
6) Complete com os verbos no futuro imediato.
a) Kim is going to relax all weekend. ( to relax)
b)Chris and Nick are going to eat a cake. ( to eat)
7) Complete as frases usando os verbos no passado . ( verbo irregular)
a) I saw Mary yesterday. ( to see)
b) I drank a glass of milk . ( to drink)
8) Complete as frases com verbos no passado. ( verbo regular / terminação ED)
a) John worked in an office. ( To work)
b) We played football in the afternoon. ( to play)
⇒⇒ Simple past - regular verbs >> tempo verbal que indica algo que aconteceu no passado e não está mais acontecendo no presente.
A maioria dos verbos em inglês são regulares e terminam sempre em ''ed'' quando estão no passado .
decided - called - smiled - studied - tried - watched - washed
decidiu - chamou - sorriu - estudou - tentou - assistiu - lavou
⇒⇒ Verbos irregulares >> são verbos que não terminam em ''ed'' no passado. Cada verbo irregular tem sua forma própria de fazer o passado, ou seja, não seguem nenhuma regra.
I went to school by bus. >> Eu fui à escola de ônibus.
They had a shower last night. >> Eles tomaram banho ontem à noite.
⇒⇒ Alguns verbos irregulares
Infinitivo passado tradução
to go went ir
to do did fazer
to buy bought comprar
⇒⇒ Comparativo de igualdade: as ... as >>> tão ... quanto
John is as tall as Ed.
John é tão alto quanto Ed.
Ed is not as tall as John.
Ed não é tão alto quanto John.
Estrutura do comparativo de igualdade
as + adjetivo ou advérbio + as
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