Inglês, perguntado por jauzywkkxkd, 4 meses atrás

Revisaão com verbos no futuro imediato
Para o futuro imediado vamos utilizar to be going to

Ex: I am going to make a cake ( eu estou indo fazer um bolo)
Seria uma atividade bem proxima do momento em que vc fala...

Na negativa o procedimento e o mesmo do verbo to be, ou seja, colocamos a palavra not Logo depois da forma verbal do verbo to be
I am not going to make a cake

Na interrogativa , colocamos o verbo to be no inicio da frase
Am I going to make a cake?( nao esquecendo de colocar o ponto de interrogaçao ?) Atividade a ser entregue na escola..
Utilize o verbo no Futuro Imediato:

a) She________________________her own choice( to make)

b) We__________________________to the movies tonight( to go)

c) John`s wife_________________ a baby( to have)

d) He__________________change of himself(to take)

e) I think it_____________( to rain)

f) They _________________ about it and feel guilty(to worry)

Coloque as frases do exercicio anterior n a negativa e interrogativa, portanto serão 12 frases.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7

1. a) She is going to make her own choice ( to make)

b) We are going to go to the movies tonight ( to go)

c) John`s wife is going to have a baby ( to have)

d) He is going to take a change of himself (to take)

e) I think it is going to rain ( to rain)

f) They are going to worry about it and feel guilty (to worry)

2. a) She is going to make her own choice

Interrogativa: Is she going to make her own choice?

Negativa: She is not going to make her own choice

b) We are going to go to the movies tonight

Interrogativa: Are we going to go to the movies tonight?

Negativa: We are not going to go to the movies tonight

c) John`s wife is going to have a baby

Interrogativa: Is John's wife going to have a baby?

Negativa: John's wife is not going to have a baby

d) He is going to take a change of himself

Interrogativa: is he going to take a change of himself?

Negativa: He is not going to take a change of himself

e) I think it is going to rain

Interrogativa: I think is it going to rain?

Negativa: I think it is not going to rain

f) They are going to worry about it and feel guilty

Interrogativa: Are they going to worry about it and feel guilty?

Negativa: They are not going to worry about it and fell guilty

rosi1223: poderia por favor me ajudar na minha última pergunta?? vou por a resposta como melhor
Respondido por camilevictoria1908

Oiie, tudo bem?



a) She is going to make her own choice.

b) We are going to go to the movies tonight.

c) John`s wife is going to have a baby.

d) He is going to take a change of himself.

e) I think it is going to rain.

f) They are going to worry about it and feel guilty.


a) She is going to make her own choice

Interrogativa: Is she going to make her own choice?

Negativa: She is not going to make her own choice

b) We are going to go to the movies tonight

Interrogativa: Are we going to go to the movies tonight?

Negativa: We are not going to go to the movies tonight

c) John`s wife is going to have a baby

Interrogativa: Is John's wife going to have a baby?

Negativa: John's wife is not going to have a baby

d) He is going to take a change of himself

Interrogativa: is he going to take a change of himself?

Negativa: He is not going to take a change of himself

e) I think it is going to rain

Interrogativa: I think is it going to rain?

Negativa: I think it is not going to rain

f) They are going to worry about it and feel guilty

Interrogativa: Are they going to worry about it and feel guilty?

Negativa: They are not going to worry about it and fell guilty


rosi1223: poderia por favor me ajudar na minha última pergunta?? vou por a resposta como melhor
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