Inglês, perguntado por claraoficiall, 6 meses atrás

Read the fragments from the text on page 24 and do exercises 1-3. Write the answers in
your notebook.
1. "In the past, when groups of people lived in relative
isolation, cultures varied widely from place to place."
II. "Today, as a result of high-speed communication,
trade, and travel, cultures all around the world are
encountering and adopting new ideas."
Kevin Murray Gery Images
1. Copy the table below in your notebook and, in pairs, complete
it. Choose the correct item (Aor) in each case and replace
the icon with the correct answer.
Fragment !
Fragment II
Verb tense
A Past Simple
Past Continuous
A Present Simple
Present Continuous
A to talk about completed actions
and states in the past.
to talk about actions in progress
in the past.
A to talk about facts
and generalizations.
to express changes happening
around now (current tendencies).
Time expression
In the past​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Simple past

⇒⇒  Present continuous

I. "In the past, when groups of people lived in relative isolation, cultures varied widely from place to place."

II. "Today, as a result of high-speed communication,  trade, and travel, cultures all around the world are encountering and adopting new ideas."

Fragment I

Simple past   >>>   lived   -   varied

To talk about completed actions and states in the past.

Fragment II

Present continuous >>>  are encountering   -   adopting

To express changes happening around now (current tendencies).

Time expression

Fragment I >>>   in the past

Fragment II >>> today

⇒⇒ Present continuous >>>  tempo verbal que  expressa algo que está acontecendo no momento em que se fala. Normalmente, é usado ''now'' - agora, ''at the moment'' ou ''at this moment'' - no momento, no final da frase.

→ Estrutura present continuous - afirmativa

sujeito + verbo to be + verbo -ing + complemento

I am doing my homework now.

They are playing soccer now.

David is studying English.

I am preparing lunch now.

→ Para fazer a negativa >>> acrescenta ''not'' após o verbo ''to be''

I am not doing my homework now.

→ Para fazer a interrogativa >>> coloca o verbo ''to be'' no início da frase

Are they playing soccer now?

Is Susan working now?

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