Inglês, perguntado por flaviaramos21, 9 meses atrás

Review about Active and Passive Voice

1- Qual das alternativas NÃO está na Voz Passiva?
(A) Right now, an e-mail is being written by Margaret.
(B) The office must be cleaned.
(C) I have had a cold for two weeks.
(D) The shirts have been sold by them.

2- Indique a sentença na “Active Voice”.
(A) A great dinner will be made by John tonight
(B) The books were given to the students by the professor.
(C) Right now, an e-mail is being written by Margaret.
(D) It hasn't stopped raining yet and the kids haven't finished their homework!
3- Good teachers cannot be substitute by computers, na voz ativa seria, ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4- “Kim is preparing the cookies,” na Voz Passiva seria,
(A) Cookies are going to prepare by her.
(B) Cookies have been prepared by her
(C) Cookies were prepared by her.
(D) Cookies are being prepared by her.

5- Marque alternativa cuja frase NÃO apresenta um Modal Verb.
(A) The thieves took everything
(B) We must obey the law.
(C) You should listen to your mother.
(D) He may be in the library.
6- Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase in the Present Perfect, “They ……………………..anything yet.”,
(A) hasn’t done.
(B had done.
(C) haven’t done.
(D) have did.

7- Assinale a alternativa onde há uma sentença no “Past Perfect”.
(A) She buys two sandwiches every days.
(B) The girl had cleaned the house before her mother arrived.
(C) They played table tennis
(D) They are great table tennis players.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por danabelmonteot78xn


1 - C

2 - D

3 - Computers can not substitute good teachers.

4 - D

5 - A

6 - C

7 - B


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