Inglês, perguntado por Lucaslima2812, 11 meses atrás

Retire do texto uma frase no past contínuos ?

It was Saturday. The sun was shining and many people were going to the park. Bill was there. He was riding his bike when he met his math teacher, Mrs. Bells. She was running around the lake. There were some boys playing soccer. He also met his neighbor, Mr. Ford. He was doing some exercises. There were some kids eating popcorn and drinking soda. It was great!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por TheMaverick
"PAST CONTINUOUS" = Sujeito + verbo “to be” no passado (was/were) + verbo com “ing” + complemento

No texto, as frases que contém "Past Continuous" são:
1 - T
he sun was shining and many people were going to the park.
2 - 
He was riding his bike [...]
3 - 
She was running around the lake. 
4 - 
There were some boys playing soccer.
5 - 
He was doing some exercises. 
6 - 
There were some kids eating popcorn and drinking soda.
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