Retire do texto:
a) um verbo regular no simple past
b) a frase "qaunto tempo vocês ficaram lá?
celia: hi, dom, how was your vacation? dom: lt was excellent! l went to hawaii with my cousin. we had a great time. celia: lucky you. how long were you there? dom: about a week celia: fantastic! was the weather ok? dom: not really. lt was cloudy a lot. but we went surfing every day. the waves were amazing celia: so, what was the besr5 thing about the trip? dom: well, something incredible happened...
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Regular verbs
a) um verbo regular no simple past >>> happened
b) a frase "quanto tempo vocês ficaram lá? >>> How long were you there?
⇒⇒ Simple past - regular verbs >> A maioria dos verbos em inglês são regulares e terminam sempre em ''ed'' quando estão no passado .
decided - called - smiled - studied - tried - watched - washed
decidiu - chamou - sorriu - estudou - tentou - assistiu - lavou
→→ Regras para o passado de verbos regulares
→ Se o verbo terminar com a letra ''e'', basta acrescentar ''d''.
love – loved
smile – smiled
like – liked
→ Caso o verbo termine com uma consoante + a letra Y, substitua o ''y'' por ''ied''.
study – studied
try – tried
cry – cried
→ Mas se antes do ''y'' houver uma vogal simplesmente acrescenta o ''ed''.
play – played
stay – stayed
pray – prayed
→ Se o verbo terminar em consoante + vogal + consoante - CVC e esta seja a sílaba tônica da palavra, dobra a ultima consoante e acrescenta ''ed''.
stop – stopped
prefer – preferred
plan – planned
→ Se a sílaba tônica for no início da palavra, é só acrescentar ''ed''
visit – visited
listen – listened
open – opened
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