Inglês, perguntado por Juanlinson, 1 ano atrás

Resumo do texto a baixo:
Today I graduate and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you again for all your support and incentive through the years. You might not realize this, but you have played a large role in my having become who I am and your contribution to my individual development was much more than financial.Living in an orphanage, it is easy for one to lose hope or sight of the possibilities that lie ahead of you; it is easy to forget that you are just as capable as anyone else out there. The first time I heard of you I was just 7 and the nun told me there was something she wanted to talk to me about. She handed me a book with your note inside and explained to me how there was this very special person who lived in such a distant place who had chosen me to help. Your note read "You are special" and it actually made me feel that way.More than ever I believe in what it says and I feel confident I can accomplish great things. I am sending you the note back because over the years we have exchanged letters and your words have accompanied me every step of the way until here. Also because I wanted to let you know that you are special and I am forever grateful your taking part in my life. Had it not been for you, I wouldn´t have become a social worker.Thank you again for having set up a trust fund me education.Yours truly,

ArturJosé: Resumo em inglês ou português?
ArturJosé: O resumo
Juanlinson: Em inglês

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ArturJosé
Hello, Juan. How do you do?

The text tells a story about a person who had lived in an orphanage, having hard chances of failure until it (*) have received a note inside a book by a nun. Reading this note gave to it seven years old child a view of future which allowed it to carry on. Now, this child has grown and now it thanks to the one who had wrotten that note that took a huge part of the author's life.

*se seu professor perguntar o motivo de se ter usado it, diga à ele(a) que este pronome indetermina o gênero do autor, já que este não o revela.
Hope it have helped you.
Wish you good will for studies! :)
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