Inglês, perguntado por ANDERSON1224, 11 meses atrás

respondão por favor​


priscilapaula772: e so pesquisar no google tradutor

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por priscilapaula772



a - you are a good friend

b - he is not my father

c - are you a police officer?

e - they are not from here

g - you are really her friend

h - i am a bank manager

i - who is he?

j - how old are they?

k - her name is Roberta

m - where are you from?

n - she is not home right now

d, f e l estão corretas

3-Marque as alternativas que a forma interrogativa está correta.

a) I am cool?

b) Is he rich? x

c) Is it for sale?x

d) We are employers?

4-A) N: I am not thirsty.

I: Am I thirsty?

B) N: We are not happy.

I: Are we happy?

C) N: It is not a turtle.

I: Is it a turtle?

d) The men aren't hungry.

Are the men hungry?

e) Are you hungry?x

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