Inglês, perguntado por milenaaparecida5150, 6 meses atrás

Respondam aos exercicios
1) Preencha as lacunas com os verbos que estão entre par
a) i................the lesson. (to study)
b) She
at the office. ( to work)
c) The children the park. ( to play)
d) The boys..................the dishes (to wash)
e) The baby
(to cry)
2) Passe as frases do exercicio 1 para a forma interrogativa.
3) Passe as frases do exercicio 1 para a forma negativa.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por belsouza725

1) a) I studied the lesson.

b) She worked at the office.

c) The children played in the park.

d) The boys washed the dishes.

e) The baby cried.

2) a) Did I study the lesson?

b) Did she work in the office?

c) Did the kids play in the park?

d) Did the boys wash the dishes?

e) The baby cried?

3) a) I did not study the lesson.

b) She didn't work in the office.

c) The children did not play in the park.

d) The boys did not wash the dishes.

e) The baby is not crying.

belsouza725: Coloca como "melhor resposta", por favor
milenaaparecida5150: oii , como coloca? sou nova aqui. você me ajudou bastante ❤
belsouza725: Vê se tem uma coroa aí perto da minha pergunta, acho que é assim que coloca
belsouza725: Mas se não der, tá tudo bem
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