Inglês, perguntado por mariaclarissed89, 8 meses atrás

RESPONDA AS SEGUINTES PERGUNTAS COMO NO EXEMPLO: 1) What’s the secretary doing? (to type a letter) r.: ___ She is typing a letter . ____________ _________ ________________________________ 2) What is the girl doing? (to cry) r.: _________________________________________________________________________ 3) What’s the boy doing? (to run in the park) r.: __________________________________ ___ ___________________________________ 4) What are the men doing (to read) r.: _________________________________________________________________________ 5) What is the woman doing? (to buy an ice cream) r.: _________________________________________________________________________ 6) What’s the dog doing? (to sleep) r.: _________________________________________________________________________ 7) What are we doing? (to take English classes) r.: _____________________ ___________ _______ __________________________________ 8) What’s the baby doing? (to play) r.: __________________________ _____________ __________________________________ 9) What is the cat doing? (to climb a tree) r.: _________________________________________ ______ __________________________ 10) What are Jane and Anne doing? (to dance Forró) r.: _______________________________________________ ____ ______________________ *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mariaclarabs21



2. She is crying

3. He is running in the park

4. He is reading

5. She is buying ice cream

6. It is sleeping

7. We are taking English classes

8. He is playing

9. It is climbing a tree

10. They are dancing Forró

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