Inglês, perguntado por batatita4864864865, 8 meses atrás

Responda as perguntas, de acordo com a forma pedida entre parênteses:
Beth, are you making a cake?
(afirmativa) Yes, I am. I am making a chocolate cake.
a) Ian, what are you doing?
(afirmativa - read a magazine) ......................................................................
b) Is he playing football?
(negativa - tennis) ...........................................................................................
c) Are you taking care of the baby?
(negativa) ................................................... . Michael is taking care of Jim.
d) Is it raining?
(afirmativa) ................................................... and my umbrella is at home.
e) Where are you going, Nei?
(afirmativa - to the bank) ...............................................................................
f) Are they having lunch at the cafeteria?
(afirmativa) .............................................. . They are having hamburguers.
g) Are you watching TV?
(negativa) ................................................... . I am doing my homework.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sarahserpass


a) I'm reading a magazine

b) No he isn't, He's Playing tennis

c) No, I don't

d) it is raining

e) I'm going to the bank

f) Yes, They are

g) No, I Don't

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