Inglês, perguntado por tomevictorhugo, 7 meses atrás

Responda as perguntas a seguir em inglês, A) Did you sleep before (antes) eleven p.m. last night? ___________________ B) Who did you first see when you woke up today? _____________________________________________________________ C) Did you eat hot dog last week? __________________________________ D) How often did you and your family have dinner together (juntos) last week? _____________________________________________________________ E) What time did you start studying English today? _____________________________________________________________ F) Where, in your house, did you study yesterday? _____________________________________________________________ G) Did you read a book called The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rodriguinhogusta


A- No, I didn't

B- My father

C- Yes, I did

D- We had dinner together 3 times last week

E- I started studying english at eight o'clock

F- In my bedroom

G- Yes, I did.


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