Research the meaning of prejudice, stereotypes and discrimination and complete the visual organize below.
Soluções para a tarefa
Quadrados: (Definição)
• Prejudice: hostile feeling, assumed as a result of the hasty generalization of a personal experience or imposed by the environment; intolerance.
• Stereotype: Standard established by common sense and based on the lack of knowledge on the subject in question.
• Discrimination: Discrimination happens when there is an adverse attitude towards a specific and different characteristic. A person can be discriminated against because of his race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, social situation, etc.
Círculo: (Consequências)
Prejudice: depression, anxiety and difficulty concentrating.
Stereotypes: depression, attempted suicide, wear and tear of physical and mental health.
Discrimination: stress, promotes poverty and social exclusion.
Nos quadrados você vai escrever a definição de cada um deles, e no círculo, as consequências que cada um pode causar.
Definição de Preconceito (Prejudice), estereótipos (strereotypes) e discriminação (discrimination) através de um fluxograma.
Para resolver a questão, você precisa saber:
- Fluxograma é uma maneira de representar informações de forma que seja visualmente mais rápido e fácil de entender.
Veja a explicação abaixo:
Começamos pesquisando a definição das palavras acima, colocando nos quadrados:
- Prejudice. Preconceived opinion which isn't based on reason or actual experience. Ex: "prejudice against black people"
- Strereotype: A fixed and very simplified idea or image of something or someone. Ex: "All Women are fragile"
- Discrimination: The treatment of different categories of people or things, that is unjust or prejudicial. Ex: "victims of religious discrimination"
Por fim podemos finalizar com o que essas palavras tem em comum:
They are a consequence of misinformation and unethical behavior in our society.
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