Inglês, perguntado por prismiguel0, 9 meses atrás

Relacione o infinitivo de cada um dos verbos abaixo com a forma em que aparece nas
frases do texto:

1. To drink ( ) a. They (plants) breath...
2. To eat ( ) b. It (nature) needs...
3. To need ( ) c. Many countries (they) suffer...
4. To breath ( ) d. We need...
5. To come ( ) e. They (plants) drink...
6. To suffer ( ) f. They (plants) eat...
7. To need ( ) g. It comes...

Complete as frases com a forma correta dos verbos entre parênteses.

1. I live in a small town. My brother.................. in a big city. (to live)
2. Animals need food. Plants................. food too. (to need)
3. I give English lessons. Your teacher ..................English lessons, too. (to teach)
4. Jane ............. to school by bus. school by car. (to go)
5. They ................ English and French in Canada. We .................. Portuguese in
Brazil. (to speak)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


1. To drink             (4) a. They (plants) breath...

2. To eat               (7) b. It (nature) needs...

3. To need            (6) c. Many countries (they) suffer...

4. To breath          (3) d. We need...

5. To come           (1) e. They (plants) drink...

6. To suffer           (2) f. They (plants) eat...

7. To need            (5) g. It comes...

Complete as frases com a forma correta dos verbos entre parênteses.

1. I live in a small town. My brother lives in a big city. (to live)

2. Animals need food. Plants need food, too. (to need)

3. I give English lessons. Your teacher teaches English lessons, too. (to teach)

4. Jane goes  to school by bus. I go to school by car. (to go)

5. They speak. English and French in Canada. We speak Portuguese in

Brazil. (to speak)


Verbos - Terceira pessoa singular

1. Regra geral - apenas acrescenta ''-s''

a. David loves Anna.

b. Bob eats two hamburgers at home.

c. Annie meets her mom at the Mall.

2. -y precedido de vogal - apenas acrescenta ''-s''

a. Bob plays the piano. (play)

b. The kid destroys his new toy.

c. The teacher says ''be quiet'' all the time. (say)

3. Verbo com -y precedido de consoante - tira ''y'' acrescenta ''ies''

a. Louis studies Greek. (study)

b. The baby cries when her mom leaves the house. (cry)

c. The girl tries to talk to her father. (try)

4. Verbos com -s / sh / ch / o / x - apenas acrescenta ''-es''

a. Jim kisses Julia when they go to school.

b. She washes her clothes on Sundays.

c. The kid watches TV at night.

d. He goes to the park with his friends.

e. He fixes his bike every Saturday.

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