Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 11 meses atrás

Reescreva todas as frases com ’ or ’s
Mr. John ___ secretary is here.
They sell ladies____ clothes in this store.
The doctor ____ kids are very nice.
The women ____ boyfriends are late.
My friends _____ cousins are beautiful.
We love Grandma ____ cookies.
The engineer ____ sunglasses are broken.
I don’t like boys _____ sneakers.
Bring the baby _____ toys.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por joaonebu


Mr. John's secretary is here.

They sell ladies' clothes in this store.

The doctor's kids are very nice.

The women's boyfriends are late.

My friends' cousins are beautiful.

We love Grandma's cookies.

The engineer's sunglasses are broken.

I don’t like boys' sneakers.

Bring the baby's toys.


É importante notar que quando o substantivo termina em “s” não é necessário acrescentar ‘s, acrescenta-se apenas o apóstrofo.

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