Reescreva o texto no passado continuous
Last year
I visited my mother and studied French. I didn't have many problems and I made
lot of friends. I went to the USA and learned English a lot too. I saw different places
and had time to take pictures. I didn't drink beer. I drank only soda. I ate barbecue
and slept late on weekends. I started a business and worked a lot. My business helped
me learn and understand things. I didn't want to live in the USA because I love Brazil
My life changed and I had many things to do every day. I also finished what I started
in 2003: an English course. I didn't lose anything, I only won. This was the best
year of
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Past continuous
Last year I was visiting my mother and studying French. I was not having many problems and I was making a lot of friends. I was going to the USA and I was learning English a lot, too. I was seeing different places and having time to take pictures. I wasn't drinking beer. I was drinking only soda. I was eating barbecue and sleeping late on weekends. I was starting a business and working a lot. My business was helping me learn and understand things. I was not wanting to live in the USA because I love Brazil . My life was changing and I was having many things to do every day. I was also finishing what I started in 2003: an English course. I wasn't losing anything, I was only winning This was the best year of my life.
→→ Past continuous >> tempo verbal para falar sobre situações e ações contínuas, ou seja, que estavam acontecendo no passado, ao mesmo tempo em que outra situação acontecia/tinha acabado de acontecer.
was / were + verbo -ing + complemento
I was studying English when Liz called me. >> Eu estava estudando inglês quando a Liz me ligou.
The kids were playing soccer. - As crianças estavam jogando futebol.
Observação: não é comum usar os verbos de estado, como like(gostar) - agree(concordar) - know (saber) - believe (acreditar) - hate (odiar) - need (precisar) - want (querer)- doubt (duvidar) - na forma contínua (present, past e future) porque são verbos que não expressam ações que estejam acontecendo no momento em que se fala. São sentimentos.
I was liking you. >>> Eu estava gostando de você. >> em português, é comum falarmos assim, quando queremos dizer que estávamos interessados por alguém. Em inglês, o correto é ''I liked you'' >> Eu gostei de você.
Algumas gramáticas aceitam o modo ''continuous'' de verbos que expressam estado. Outras, consideram completamente errado.
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