Inglês, perguntado por lili2905, 5 meses atrás

Reescreva frases abaixo para o Passado na forma Afirmativa, Negativa e Interrogativa:
a) I watch a good film in the TV.
b) He works hard in the office.
c) You study math at school.
d) My cousin plays the piano and I prepare the drinks.
e) They prefer to eat pizza.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lallahashahashalee



Na língua inglesa quando falamos de passado, temos o auxiliar Did.

Para negar algo= didn't ou did not.

para perguntar a particula Did vai na frente do pronome.

Os verbos são dividos em regulares que seguem regras. Aquele Ed no final do verbo.

to watch= Watched.

( to watch= assitir).

E temos os irregulares, que não seguem regras.

to see= Saw.

(to see= ver).

Quando se usa auxiliar não se conjuga verbo!

então quando eu uso a particula Did já indica passado, o verbo volta sem o 'ed'.

exemplo: I saw you today. (eu vi vc hj)

I didn't see you today ( eu não vi vc hj)

Did I see you today? (eu vi vc hj?)


A) AFF= I watched a good movie on TV.

neg= I didn't watch a good movie on tv.

inte= Did I watch a good film on tv?

B) aff= He worked hard in the office.

neg= he didn't work hard in the office.

inte= Did he work hard in the office?

C) Aff= You studied match at school.

neg= You didn't study match at school.

inte= Did you study match at school?

D) Aff= My cousin played the piano and prepared the drinks.

neg= My Cousin didn't play the piano and didn't prepare the drinks.

inte= Did my cousin play the piano and prepare the drinks?

E) Aff= he preferred to eat pizza.

neg= he didn't prefer to eat pizza.

inte= Did he prefer to eat pizza.

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