Inglês, perguntado por Cristina1369, 9 meses atrás

reescreva as sentenças abaixo nas formas negativas e interrogativas. ( dica: observe o uso de "did" e "didn't" no modelo.)

a) they helped us a lot.

b) He arrived here yesterday.

c) Mike studied english when he was a kid.

d) it rained a lot last week.

e) Sarah went to the party by car.

f) He left his wallet at the office.

g) Her father worked there for years.

h) She said that.

i) Nick had a shower this morning.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por maiii62



tudo bem?

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a) N: they didn't help us a lot

   I: Did they help us a lot?

b) N: he didn't arrive here yesterday

    I: Did he arrive her yesterday?

c)N: Mike didn't study english when he was a kid.

  I: Did Mike study english when he was a kid?

d) N: it didn't  rain a lot last week.

   I: Did it rain a lot last week?

e) N: Sarah didn't go  to the party by car.

   I:Did Sarah go  to the party by car?

f)  I:He didn't  leave  his wallet at the office.

  N:  Did he leave his wallet at the office?

g) N: Her father didn't  work there for years.

   I: Did her father work there for years?

h) N: She didn't say that.

    I:  Did She say that?

i) N: Nick didn't  have a shower this morning.​

  I:  Did Nick have a shower this morning?


No simple past os verbos se classificam em regulares (há o acréssimo do "ed" para todas as pessoas)e irregulares(não seguem um padrão e tem que memorizar)

Verbo auxiliar:DID

*E qual a importância do verbo auxiliar?*

É importante para a formação de frases negativas e interrogativas no simple past

Nas frases negativas e interrogativas o verbo volta a sua forma normal(deixa de estar no passado) porque o "did" já indica que a frase está no passado, então, não precisa do verbo no passado pois senão dá uma ênfase desnecessária(assim como no português:subir pra cima e descer pra baixo)


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