Inglês, perguntado por Umalunoquase10, 11 meses atrás

Reescreva as orações na forma negativa.
Dica: é possível escrever orações na forma negativa utilizando a forma contraída ou não. Para este exercício utilize apenas “did not”, ou seja, a forma não contraída.

They collected stamps. (Eles colecionavam selos.)

My students asked many questions. (Meus alunos fizeram muitas perguntas.)

George played basketball yesterday. (George jogou basquete ontem.)

Camila cleaned the apartment. (Camila limpou o apartamento.)

Julian liked oranges. (Julian gostava de laranjas.)

Natan opened that black door. (Natan abriu aquela porta preta.)

My boss arrived late last week. (Meu chefe chegou tarde na semana passada.)

Their cat liked the new ball. (O gato deles gostou da bola nova.)

Daniel wanted a new car. (Daniel queria um carro novo.)

His friends worked very hard. (Os amigos dele trabalharam muito arduamente.)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Júnior

Observe que nesse exercício todas as frases estão no Simple Past (Passado Simples). Para passar uma frase da forma afirmativa para a negativa nesse tempo verbal, devemos seguir a seguinte regra:

Sujeito + did not + verbo no infinitivo.

Vamos à questão:

aff: They collected stamps.

neg: They did not collect stamps.

aff: My students asked many questions.

neg: My students did not ask many questions.

aff: George played basketball yesterday.

neg: George did not play basketball yesterday.

aff: Camila cleaned the apartment.

neg: Camila did not clean the apartment.

aff: Julian liked oranges.

neg: Julian did not like oranges.

aff: Natan opened that black door.

neg: Natan did not open that black door.

aff: My boss arrived late last week.

neg: My boss did not arrive late last week.

aff: Their cat liked the new ball.

neg: Their cat did not like the new ball.

aff: Daniel wanted a new car.

neg: Daniel did not want a new car.

aff: His friends worked very hard.

neg: His friends did not work very hard.

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