Reescreva as na forma interrogativa
Reescreva as na forma interrogativa
a) There will be a car in the street in a few minutes.
b) There will be someone waiting for me in the airport.
c) There will be an avenue here.
d) There will not be cars in some decades.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ There will be >> interrogative form
a) There will be a car in the street in a few minutes.
Will there be a car in the street in a few minutes?
b) There will be someone waiting for me in the airport.
Will there be anyone*** waiting for me in the airport?
*** Geralmente usa-se anybody / anyone na interrogativa. Usa-se ''someone'' ou ''somebody'' quando esperamos que a resposta seja afirmativa
c) There will be an avenue here.
Will there be an avenue here?
d) There will not be cars in some decades.
Won't there be cars in some decades?
⇒⇒ There to be >>> verbo haver / existir. Pode ser usado no presente, passado e futuro
→→ There is - simple present - singular
There is a girl here. - Há uma garota aqui.
There is not a girl here. - Não há uma garota aqui.
Is there a girl in the living room? - Há uma garota na sala de visitas?
→→ There are - simple present - plural
There are five girls here - Há cinco garotas aqui.
There are not five girls here - Não há cinco garotas aqui.
Are there some boys at the club? - Há alguns meninos no clube?
→→ There was - simple past - singular
There was a dog here. - Havia um cachorro aqui.
There was not a dog here. - Não havia um cachorro aqui.
Was there a cat in the yard? - Havia um gato no quintal?
→→ There were - simple past - plural
There were many people around. - Havia muitas pessoas ao redor.
There were not many people around. - Não havia muitas pessoas ao redor.
Were there dogs in the yard? - Havia gatos no quintal?
→→ There will be - simple future
There will be a boy at the club. - Haverá um menino no clube.
There won't be anybody at the club. - Não haverá ninguém no clube.
Will there be a cat in the yard? - Haverá um gato no quintal?
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