Inglês, perguntado por danilomadeira, 11 meses atrás

Reescreva as frases que substituem as palavras entre parênteses com pronomes de assunto ou objeto..

a) I Love (Catherine)

b) sorry, Mr. schuester, (my friends and i )are late.

c) (Thomas )brought his sneakers today.

d) Sing with (Terry and me).

e) (Clarissa )was by the door.

f) I don't like (the new technologies).

g) who was talking to you and (Sarah)?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por carolmuzz
a) I love her
b)Sorry, Mr, Schuester, we are late.
c) He brought his sneakers today.
D)Sing with us.
e) She was by the door
f) I don't like them.
g) Who was talking to you and her
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