Inglês, perguntado por paolageovanna28, 4 meses atrás

Reescreva as frases para a voz passiva: a)i clean my room everyday
b)helen teaches French at school
c)Bill brings sandwiches to work
d)my cat bites sofa
e)Larry reads a book every night
f)Paula cooks lasagna to her children

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por weebruni


a)i clean my room everyday- My room is cleaned everday

b)helen teaches French at school- French is taught by elen at school

c)Bill brings sandwiches to work- Sandwiches are brought by bill to work

d)my cat bites sofa- sofa is bitten by my cat

e)Larry reads a book every night- The book is read by Larry every night

f)Paula cooks lasagna to her children- Lasagna is cooked by Paula to her children

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