Inglês, perguntado por CamillyFosta, 1 ano atrás

Reescreva as frases no FUTURO DO PRESENTE:

I buy a house tomorrow.

The makers built many robots.

Rayssa would like to travel.

Salatiel don’t like to travel.

My mother wrote a letter to me.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por PatêDoTempo

I will buy a house tomorrow.

The makers will build many robots.

Raysa will like to travel

Salatiel will not like to travel.

My mother will write a letter to me.

Respondido por lucasmrcos88
não sei bem se é assim, mas vou tentar:
i will buy a house tomorrow
the makers will build many robots
rayssa will like to travel
salatiel won’t like to travel
my mother will write a letter to me
(tenho QUASE certeza q deve estar certo)
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