Inglês, perguntado por joaovmrodrigues12, 1 ano atrás

Reescreva as frases em inglês substituindo os "nomes/substantivos" pelos " pronomes em inglês "

1)THE TREE is low

2)THE GIRL is pretty

3)THE DOORS are closed

4)JOHN is tall

5)MARY AND I are friends

6)SALLY is happy

7) THE BOY is short

(Me ajudem rápido por favor!!!!!)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por belle1902


01) It is low

02) She is pretty

03) they are closed

04) He is tall

05) She and I are friends

06) She is happy

07) He is short

Eu creio que seja isso

joaovmrodrigues12: Obg, obg, obg
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