Inglês, perguntado por pamelasiva1996, 1 ano atrás

Reescreva as frases do exercício n°1 e passe para a 3° pessoa do singular
A) i take a shower
B) i get up at six
C) i have break fast
D) i brush my teeth
E) i go to scool
F) i take a bus

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


Terceira pessoa singular

A) I take a shower

    He takes a shower.

B) I get up at six

   She gets up at six.

C) I have breakfast

    He has breakfast.

D) i brush my teeth

    She brushes her teeth.

E) I go to school .

   He goes to school.  

F) I take a bus

   He takes a bus.


No Simple Presente, na terceira pessoa do singular >>> HE - SHE - IT é necessário adicionar ''s'' ao verbo, seguindo as regras abaixo:

1. Verbos terminados em -o, -s, -ch, -sh, -x, ou -z acrescenta ''es''

I go to school.

He goES to school.

We watch TV at night.

She watchES TV at night.

2. Verbos terminados em consoante + Y, remove o Y e adiciona ''ies''.

I study English.

She studIES English.

3. Verbos terminados em vogal + Y, adiciona a letra ''S'' no final.

I play the piano.

He playS guitar.

Exceções: ''to have'' - ''to be'' - ''to can''


Verbo to have               Verbo to be           Verbo to can

I have a car.                    I am                          I can

He has a car.                   He is                        She can

Respondido por qualquerconta456


He takes a shower

He get up at six

He have break fast

He brush your teeth

He go to school

He takes a bus


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