Inglês, perguntado por montanhani, 3 meses atrás

Reescreva as frases, colocando o artigo definido (the) sempre que necessário.
a) ___ dolphins are smarter than sharks.
b) ___ John doesn’t know how to play ____ drums.
c) ____ winter is coming.
d) On ___ Sundays I like to play ___ soccer with my friends.
e) ___ my mom and I cooked ___ dinner last night.
f) ___ Sergeant Williams is here.
g) ___ prince is married.
h) ___ Princess Diana is _____ Prince Harry’s mother.
i) We know how to dance ____ Salsa.
j) ____ girl I like is very pretty.

me ajudem por favor!!!!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por teacheraline83


Reescreva as frases, colocando o artigo definido (the) sempre que necessário.

a) ---- dolphins are smarter than sharks.

b) ----John doesn’t know how to play the drums. (para instrumentos pode usar the ou não)

c) ----winter is coming.

d) On ----Sundays I like to play -----soccer with my friends.

e) ---- my mom and I cooked dinner last night.

f) ----Sergeant Williams is here.

g) The prince is married.

h) Princess Diana is -----Prince Harry’s mother.

i) We know how to dance ----Salsa.

j) The girl I like is very pretty.


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