Inglês, perguntado por ggustavodias12, 9 meses atrás

. Reescreva as frases abaixo usando o Genitive Case:
a) The name of my brother is Tom. *

b) The car of Tom is broken. *

c) The strength of Tom is great. *

d) The cover of the book is colorful. *

e) The rivers of Brazil are beautiful. *

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por caldasclaudia1


a) The name of my brother is Tom. *

my brother's name is Tom.

b) The car of Tom is broken. *

Tom's car is broken.

c) The strength of Tom is great. *

Tom's strength is great.

d) The cover of the book is colorful. *

The book's cover is colorful

e) The rivers of Brazil are beautiful. *

Brazil's rivers are beautiful.


O 's sempre irá no nome do possuidor e o objeto virá logo depois. Sugiro que analise as respostas e tente compreender o uso do 's. É fácil e legal, vc vai gostar. Bons estudos e uma semana abençoada marcado por experiências com o Senhor!

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