. Reescreva as frases abaixo nas formas negativa e interrogativa do Simple Past dos verbos regulares: a) Steve worked as much as Paul. b)He graciously accepted the award on her behalf. c) I think Sara added too much sugar to the recipe. d) Mike admired Mr. Jones for his intellect. e) Corina admitted that it was all her fault. f) Her parents advised against staying out too late. g) They agreed to meet at the coffee shop. h) Liz announced the grand prize winner of the night. i) The family baked a cake together. j) Flora blushed at the compliment
Soluções para a tarefa
a) 1. Did Steve work as much as Paul?
2. Steve didn't work as much as Paul
b) 1. Did he graciously accept the award on her behalf?
2. He did'nt accept the award on her behalf graciously
c) 1. Do you think Sara added too much sugar to the recipe?
2. I don't think Sara added too much sugar to the recipe
d) 1. Did mike admire Mr. Jones for his intelect?
2. Mike didn't admire Mr. Jones for his intelect
e) 1. Did Corina admit that it was all her falt?
2. Corina didn't admit that it was all her falt
f) 1. Did her parents advise against staying out too late?
2. Her parents didn't advise against staying out too late
g) 1. Did they agree to meet at the coffee shop?
2. They didn't agree to meet at the coffee shop
h) 1. Did Liz anounce the grand prize winner of the night?
2. Liz didn't anounce the grand prize winner of the night
i) 1. Did the family bake a cake together?
2. The family didn't bake a cake together
j) 1. Did Flora blush at the compliment?
2. Flora didn't blush at the compliment
Esteja atento às frases após a adaptação para as formas interrogativa e negativa! Percebeu que quando colocamos o Did na frase o verbo fica no presente?
por exemplo na frase a), o verbo passou de worked to work, na frase b) o verbo passou de accepted to accept, e aconteceu nas outras frases?
É porque o Did já indica que a ação está no passado, então não precisa do verbo estar também! espero ter ajudado.