Inglês, perguntado por laranjinh, 8 meses atrás

Reading: WHO WERE THE BEATLES? Liverpool, Merseyside, in England. The Beatles were the most influential and successful popular music group of the rock era. They were John, Paul, George and Ringo, all from The Beatles created a sensation in late 1963 in the UK. This phenomenon was called "Beatlemania" by the British press. Beatlemania went to North America in early 1964, and the band's popularity extended across much of the world. The group made several films and became symbolic leaders of the international youth counterculture of the 1960s. They publicly explored Eastern mysticism, psychodelic drugs and revolutionary politics. They disbanded in 1970.

Mark based on the text.
1) O que é uma sinopse?
(a) Um relato breve; síntese, sumário
(b) Um longo texto tematizado
(c) Uma entrevista
(d) Uma história em quadrinhos

2) Como podemos classificar o texto sobre os Beatles?
(a) Uma entrevista
(b)Um diálogo
(c) Uma sinopse
(d) Uma anedota

3) The mostly appropriate theme of the text is...
(a) The Beatlemania
(b) The American songs
(c) The Stones
(d) The phenomenon

4) Podemos encontrar textos-sinopse nas situações abaixo, EXCETO:
(a) nos anúncios de filmes
(b) nas contra-capas dos livros
(c) nas biografias de famosos
(d) nos manuais de instruções de aparelhos

5) How often do you read sinopses? Qual poderia ser a resposta desta pergunta?
(a) At home
(b) once a week
(c) at 5 o'clock
(d) at school

6) The Beatles were...
(a) A successful pop group of the medieval era.
(b) A successful pop goup of the rock era.
(c) A not successful rock band.
(d) A successful pop group of the modern era.​

laranjinh: odeio inglês então tem essas e mais 4
laranjinh: 7) Where were the Beatles from
la) They were Brazilian
(b) They were American
10 They were from Britain.
(d) They were Spanish.
8) The Beatles got to America during the
(a) 1970's (b) 1980's (0) 1950's id) 1970's
9) John was alan...
fa) Beatle (b) pop singer ) dancer id puitister
10) The Beatles were famous
la) only around Europe
(b) only around Brazil
to only around America
(d) around much of the world
laranjinh: 3,25 mil?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por djsoul666


1) a)

2) c)

3) a)

4) a)

5) b)

6) b)


laranjinh: pode me ajudar com mais 4?
laranjinh: 7) Where were the Beatles from
la) They were Brazilian
(b) They were American
10 They were from Britain.
(d) They were Spanish.
8) The Beatles got to America during the
(a) 1970's (b) 1980's (0) 1950's id) 1970's
9) John was alan...
fa) Beatle (b) pop singer ) dancer id puitister
10) The Beatles were famous
la) only around Europe
(b) only around Brazil
to only around America
(d) around much of the world
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