Inglês, perguntado por helpbrainly27, 4 meses atrás


In the early sixties The Beatles were a)………. in popularity by another English band, with a harder style, The Rolling Stones. This London group was b)…….. by Mick Jagger and some friends in 1962.
Because of their long hair and very loud music they were c) ……. By the older generation, much more so than The Beatles. The words of one of their first records, Little Red Roaster, were d) ………. to be too sexy, and the record was e) …… the USA. More bad publicity for the group arrived in 1969, when their guitarist Brian Jones was f)………..dead in his swimming pool. His death was g)……….. a mystery and even today, some people say he was h)……………

1. COMPLETE THE PARAGRAPH USING PAST PARTICIPLE OF THE THE FOLLOWING VERBS IN THE CORRECT ORDER: "surround - hate - consider - form - find - rival - murder - ban"

a)surrounded - b)hated - c)considered - d)formed - e)found - f)rivaled - g)murdered - h)banned

a)rivaled - b)formed - c)hated - d)surrounded - e)banned - f)found - g)considered - h)murdered

a)rivaled - b)formied - c)hating - d)surrenderd - e)bannety - f)finded - g)considered - h)murdered​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Alexv11

A alternativa que apresenta apenas as palavras corretas que completam os verbos no passado particípio é a primeira alternativa, essa que menciona os verbos surrounded, hated, considered, formed, found, rivaled, murdered e banned.


O passado particípio é normalmente utilizado dentro da língua inglesa quando estamos utilizando algum tempo verbal dentro da classificação dos tempos perfeitos, ou seja, passado perfeito, presente perfeito e futuro perfeito.

Todos esses tempos verbais possuem como principal auxiliar a palavra have/has/had, e logo em seguida do auxiliar necessariamente precisamos usar o verbo principal da frase em seu formato no particípio. Para realizar tal modificação no verbo, quando observamos o verbo no passado, e ele terminar com ed, sabemos que no passado particípio sua forma irá ser a mesma do passado simples.

Leia mais sobre o presente perfeito aqui:


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