Inglês, perguntado por klaracocoporto, 6 meses atrás

Reading Comprehension exercises:

The Internet

A few years ago the Internet did not exist. The world seemed bigger and
communications were not so fast. Today's world is considered very small, partly
due to the fast development in the communication system. To become a member
of this "small world", also called international community, two things are
essential: to know English and to be computer literate.
The Internet is a familiar term to almost everyone, and it is also called the Net,
cyberspace, the information highway, the online community.
By the way, what is the Internet? The Internet is an electronic communication
network linked by telephone lines and satellites which are connected to
computers. It transports information all over the world through programs such as
e-mail (electronic mail) and the World Wide Web (WWW).
The Internet started during the 1960s in the United States as a network for the
Defense Department and as channel for information sharing among scientists.
Soon people started to send simple messages to distant friends and colleagues,and the system was improved to become the communications tool called
It was in 1973 that the Internet was first connected to the United Kingdom and
Norway. South America gained access to the Net only in the early 1990s.
Most of the communication via the Internet takes place in English today.
So let's learn English and become computer literate to enter this international

Fonte: FERRARI, Mariza e Rubin, Sarah Giersztel. Inglés para o Ensino Médio,
volume único. Editora Scipione. São Paulo - 2002.

1. Find in the text the English equivalent to these words and expressions:


Alguns anos atrás-

Alfabetizado digital-

Quase todo mundo-

Mundo pequeno-

2)Read the text and give the following information from it:

a) The internet started to exist.

b) The internet started in Europe.

c) The internet started in Sougth America.

d) A definition of the internet.

e) First purpose of the internet.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por AnthonioJorge

Alguns anos atrás-  a few years ago

Alfabetizado digital-  computer literate

Quase todo mundo-  almost everyone

Mundo pequeno- small world


few (alguns, poucos)

years (anos)

ago (atrás)

literate (letrado, alfabetizado)

computer (digital, computacional)

almost (quase)

everyone (todo mundo)

small (pequeno)

world (mundo)

a) The Internet started during the 1960s in the United States as a network for the  Defense Department and as channel for information sharing among scientists.

Tradução: a internet começou durante os anos 1960 nos Estados Unidos como uma rede para o Departamento de Defesa e como um canal para o compartilhamento de informações entre cientistas.

b) It was in 1973 that the Internet was first connected to the United Kingdom and  Norway

Tradução: Foi em 1973 que a Internet conectou-se pela primeira vez no Reino Unido e na Noruega.

c) South America gained access to the Net only in the early 1990s

Tradução: A América do Sul ganhou acesso à net (internet) apenas no início dos anos 1990.

d) The Internet is an electronic communication  network linked by telephone lines and satellites which are connected to  computers.

Tradução: A internet é uma rede de comunicação eletrônica ligada por linhas de telefone e satélites que se conectam aos computadores.

e) It transports information all over the world through programs such as  e-mail (electronic mail) and the World Wide Web (WWW).

Tradução: Ela transporta informação pelo mundo inteiro por meio de programas como o e-mail (correspondência eletrônica) e a rede mundial de computadores (www)

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