Inglês, perguntado por hope2960, 11 meses atrás

Read this fragment of an interview with Rosa Parks, symbol of The American Civil Rights Movement.


In 1955 you refused to give up your seat to a white passenger on a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Your act inspired the Montgomery bus boycott, the event 1) _______________historians call the beginning of the modern Civil Rights Movement. Could you tell us exactly what happened that day?

Rosa Parks: I was arrested on December 1st, 1955 for refusing to stand up on the orders of the bus driver, after the white seats had been occupied in the front. And of course, I was not in the front of the bus as many people have written and spoken that I was -- that I got on the bus and took the front seat, but I did not. I took a seat that was just back of 2) _______________ the white people were sitting, in fact, the last seat. A man was next to the window, and I took an aisle seat and there were two women across. We went on undisturbed until about the second or third stop 3) ______________ some white people boarded the bus and left one man standing. And when the driver noticed him standing, he told us to stand up and let him have those seats. He referred to them as front seats. And when the other three people -- after some hesitancy -- stood up, he wanted to know if I was going to stand up, and I told him I was not. And he told me he would have me arrested. And I told him he may do that. And of course, he did.

Two policemen came on the bus and one asked me if the driver had told me to stand and I said, "Yes." And he wanted to know 4)_____________ I didn’t stand, and I told him I didn’t think I should have to stand up. And then I asked him, why did they push us around? And he said, and I quote him, "I don’t know, but the law is the law and you are under arrest."

Complete the sequence of missing gaps in the interview with the appropriate relative pronouns.

A) when / whose / who / when

B) where / who / where / whose

C) which / where / when / why

D) who / which / where / when

E) why / where / when / which

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por yshaelesouza



Ensino médio (secundário)


Read this fragment of an interview with Rosa Parks, symbol of The American Civil Rights Movement. STANDING UP FOR FREEDOM In 1955 you refused to give up your seat to a white passenger on a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Your act inspired the Montgomery bus boycott, the event which historians call the beginning of the modern Civil Rights Movement. Could you tell us exactly what happened that day? Rosa Parks: I was arrested on December 1st, 1955 for refusing to stand up on the orders of the bus driver, after the white seats had been occupied in the front. And of course, I was not in the front of the bus as many people have written and spoken that I was -- that I got on the bus and took the front seat, but I did not. I took a seat that was just back of where the white people were sitting, in fact, the last seat. A man was next to the window, and I took an aisle seat and there were two women across. We went on undisturbed until about the second or third stop when some white people boarded the bus and left one man standing. And when the driver noticed him standing, he told us to stand up and let him have those seats. He referred to them as front seats. And when the other three people -- after some hesitancy -- stood up, he wanted to know if I was going to stand up, and I told him I was not. And he told me he would have me arrested. And I told him he may do that. And of course, he did. Two policemen came on the bus and one asked me if the driver had told me to stand and I said, "Yes." And he wanted to know why I didn’t stand, and I told him I didn’t think I should have to stand up. And then I asked him, why did they push us around? And he said, and I quote him, "I don’t know, but the law is the law and you are under arrest." When the bus driver told Rosa Parks to stand up and give her seat to a white passenger, she was sitting ...A) in the last seat in the white section

B) in the first seat behind the white section

C) next to the bus driver

D) in front of the white people section

E) in the middle of the black section




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b) in the first seat behind the white section


Pois no fragmento Rosa diz: "I took a seat that was just back of where the white people were sitting, in fact, the last seat."

rosariomividaa3 e mais 2 usuários acharam esta resposta útil



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