Inglês, perguntado por yasmimalmeida2103, 1 ano atrás

Read the text.

 Scorpions at Charles de Gaulle Airport


 Customs officers at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris seized 115 live scorpions. The scorpions were travelling from Cameroon in Africa to the USA. There, people were going to sell them on the Internet. The scorpions are from a protected species. Luckily for the customs officers, this species is not dangerous to humans. This incident is not the first one. In 2014, French customs seized almost 14,000 live animals



Custom officer – funcionário da alfândega.                              To seize – tomar; confiscar.

Specie – espécie animal.                                                             Luckily – por sorte.


Qual é a forma negativa da frase “The Scorpions were travelling from Cameroon in Africa to the USA.” ?

Escolha uma:

a. The Scorpions didn’ travelling from Cameroon in Africa to the USA.

b. The Scorpions weren’t travelling from Cameroon in Africa to the USA.

c. The Scorpions aren’t travelling from Cameroon in Africa to the USA.

d. The Scorpions don’t travelling from Cameroon in Africa to the USA.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jannineestudante


A resposta é a letra b


As outras não se encaixam na frase, estão erradas

Respondido por mariaclarac10
Resposta: letra B
O negativo de were é weren’t
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