Inglês, perguntado por bruno764637, 4 meses atrás

Read the text below and answer as requested.

How to fix climate change?

Can one person in seven billion make a difference? Despite the furor over government reports an international conferences, climate change is a problem of personal consumption. Swiss scientists say humanity could limit the effects if each person used just 2,000 watts of power a year. The average American consumes 12,000. A Bangladeshi uses 300. The challenge is conscientious reduction in the West, writes Naomi Klein in This Changes Everything. Lifestyle choices, such as traveling less plus better regulation and technologies will help the numbers drop.

Destaque a alternativa que apresenta dois falsos cognatos.

a) billion - difference

b) conference - change

c) humanity - limit

d) reports - just

e) reduction - regulation​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Falso cognato

How to fix climate change?

Can one person in seven billion make a difference? Despite the furor over government reports an international conferences, climate change is a problem of personal consumption. Swiss scientists say humanity could limit the effects if each person used just 2,000 watts of power a year. The average American consumes 12,000. A Bangladeshi uses 300. The challenge is conscientious reduction in the West, writes Naomi Klein in This Changes Everything. Lifestyle choices, such as traveling less plus better regulation and technologies will help the numbers drop.

a) billion - difference

b) conference - change

c) humanity - limit

d) reports - just   >>>   falso cognato  √

e) reduction - regulation​

Alternativa correta letra ''d''

reports    >> parece ''repórter'', mas significa ''relatório''  

just          >>  parece ''justo'',  mas significa ''apenas, somente''

⇒⇒ Falso cognato >>> são palavras, em inglês, que são escritas quase da mesma forma que em português, mas que têm a tradução completamente diferente.  


                      parece                      significa

Expert          esperto                   especialista - perito  

Actually        atualmente             na verdade - na realidade  

Parents         parentes                pais >> pai e mãe

Relatives      relativos                  parentes (tios, primos, avós, etc.)  

Fabric           fábrica                     tecido  

Pretend        pretender                fingir  

Intend          entender                  pretender

College       colégio                      faculdade

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Usuário anônimo: Ótima Explicação ;)
CremildaBR: ;)
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