Read the text below about Patrick’s past experiences on playing the banjo:
Patrick [1] _________ the banjo for about 15 years. Many years ago, his grandfather played the banjo in a band. He [2] ________ Patrick how to play the banjo when Patrick was just 10 years old. Patrick [3] ________ the banjo ever since, until last year he unfortunately lost it!
How can the gaps be filled in the text above, in the other they appear?
Escolha uma:
had playing – taught – had been practicing Incorreto
had been playing – teaches – practiced
had been playing – taught – had been practicing
had played – had been teaching – practiced
plays – taught – had been practicing
Soluções para a tarefa
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A resposta é letra C
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C) Had been playing – taught – had been practicing.
Patrick had been playing the banjo for about 15 years. Many years ago, his grandfather played the banjo in a band. He taught Patrick how to play the banjo when Patrick was just 10 years old. Patrick had been practicing the banjo ever since, until last year he unfortunately lost it!
Patrick tocava banjo há cerca de 15 anos. Há muitos anos, seu avô tocava banjo em uma banda. Ele ensinou Patrick como tocar banjo quando Patrick tinha apenas 10 anos. Patrick estava praticando o banjo desde então até o ano passado, ele infelizmente o perdeu!
Usos do Past Perfect Continuous:
- É usado para ações passadas que ficaram inacabadas quando outra ação aconteceu, ex: Patrick had been practicing the banjo ever since, until last year he unfortunately lost it!
- O Past Perfect Continuous também nos mostra que algo começou no passado e continuou até outro momento no passado, ex: Patrick had been practicing the banjo ever since until last year.
- Quando se fala de algo que estava acontecendo antes ou ao mesmo tempo em que outra ação (fato) ocorrer. É comum o uso de expressões temporais como since, when, for e before podem ser empregadas para reforçar a ideia se simultaneidade.
- A fim de destacar o motivo do fato que ocorreu no passado, os termos que costumam marcar essa explicação são conectivos (linking words) de razão ou causa, como: because, for, since etc.)
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